Welcome to GracePointe's Child Development Center!

Do you remember playing in the mud and making mud pies when you were a kid? When was the last time your child made a mud pie? At GracePointe CDC we play in the mud every day! We believe children learn through their play and that they must practice playing to become good students in big school. We are not your typical Montgomery mother's day out; you will not find worksheets at our school, but you will see ample learning taking place. We provide a variety of messy (sensory) play with paint, mud, water, shaving cream, and sand. Children must first learn to control their environments before they can control themselves. Children learn to read by being able to decode symbols. They do this by learning to organize their environment through sorting, classifying, and seriating objects. This is why we spend time in block, fine motor, and sensory play. Children cannot comprehend what they read unless they can see a story in their heads. To be able to see a story, they must be able to tell a story. We learn to tell and act out stories in dramatic play, circle time, and literacy circle. If children can act a story, they can comprehend what they read. The more children practice play, the deeper the level of learning. At GracePointe we aren't practicing Kindergarten by sitting at tables and doing worksheets; rather, we are preparing children for Kindergarten by teaching them and practicing life skills, such as making choices, staying on task, following directions, and learning social skills.

Friday, January 25, 2013

                                                       Registration for Fall 2013

    We will be opening registration for in house students on Tuesday, January 29th. The deadline to turn forms in will be Tuesday, February 5th.
    We will open registration to the public on Wednesday, February 6th.